zlib/1.2.12: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
zlib/1.2.12: Trying with conan-center...
操作系统安装在c2t6d0上,另一块盘c2t5d0做镜像盘,操盘系统版本:HP-UX 11.23。 # uname -a HP-UX HP_B2600 B.11.11 U 9000/785 2009402417 unlimited-user license # ioscan -fnkC disk ##k参数从内核scan,速度超快。 Class …
2.2 Azure Stack Azure Stack到2017年7月才提供GA版本,但目前还是可以通过技术预览版了解该技术。Azure Stack本质上是核心Azure服务的一个私有实例。 Microsoft Azure自2010年起开始提供公有云服务,微软也以Windows server、 Hyper-V system center 和 …
2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> We want to focus on a particular case here, because we have already seen how to add a new property, and for some components, we can easily add the plugins or features property, and then add the plugin co…
原文:http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?205564-Ext-JS-4.1.1-RC1-Now-Available We are pleased to announce today the availability of Ext JS 4.1.1 RC1.http://cdn.sencha.io/ext-4.1.1-rc1.zip Of particular interest in this release are some s…
本文节选自 Graham Lea 的博客:Microservices Security: All The Questions You Should Be Asking。 以下是我的问题列表, 您和您的团队应该向自己询问有关微服务安全性的问题。它旨在用作评估您自己的系统和流程的清单。希望你会发现你已经涵盖了这些问题中的大多数…
HP-UX操作系统全称为Hewlett Packard UniX,是惠普服务器上所有的操作系统。其发源自 AT & T SRV4系统,可以支持HP的PA-RISC处理器、Intel的Itanium处理器。因为PA-RISC的停产(RISC机器现在越来越没落了),今后的主流…
col - filter reverse line-feeds and backspaces Export to txt file,and download to windows 7 use securefx,open it use notepad in windows 7. # man col >col.txt # man col | col -b>colcol.txt 转载于:https://blog.51cto.com/lightguide/1032176
Tutorial:Xtype defined (Chinese) From Learn About the Ext JavaScript Library Jump to: navigation, searchSummary: 本教程为大家解释xtype的含义。 Author: Jozef Sakalos(译者:Frank Cheung) Published: 2008五月九号 Ext Version: 2.0 Languages: EnglishCh…
RKCardView Beautiful Twitter / Facebook style cards (built with JaredTMoskowitz) Follow me on Twitter cwRichardKim Or Check out my Medium posts on UI / UX This is a template for making beautiful cards 这是一个用来制作精美的Twitter/Facebook样式的卡片的模板。…
防止用户误操作离开页面Open <a href"http://www.baidu.com">baidu</a>.
window.onbeforeunload function (e) {var e e || window.event;// For IE and Firefox prior to version 4if (e) {e.returnValue Any string;}// For Safarir…
在SFHTML5小组(San Francisco HTML5 User Group)组织的一场会议中,与会者们的讨论焦点围绕着两个主题:使用HTML5技术——如WebGL、WebVR、Three.js和GLAM——创建虚拟现实体验,以及Firefox和Chrome对这些技术提供支持的…
原文地址:A Comprehensive Guide To Web Design原文作者:Nick Babich译文出自:掘金翻译计划本文永久链接:github.com/xitu/gold-m…译者:horizon13th校对者:pot-code摘要 (此博文为赞助博文&…
原文:http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?219836-Ext-JS-4.1.1-RC2-Now-Available Bugs FixedButton (2) EXTJSIV-6139 - Button retains the focused state after disabling and enablingEXTJSIV-6329 - Config html of Button not workingCharts (2) EX…
这篇文章要与大家分享的都是一些很棒的免费UI设计工具和资源,有Web开发方面的,也有移动开发方面的,非常丰富,相信你能从中发现有用的资源。记得推荐一下哦 :)
ALL In One Web Elements Kit OSX Leopard GUI Set iPad GUI PSD Doj…
TTL值的含义以及与域名TTL值的区别 本文来源于时光漂流瓶 http://www.9usb.net , 原文地址: http://www.9usb.net/201004/ttl-yuyuming-ttl.html TTL是 Time To Live的缩写,该字段指定IP包被路由器丢弃之前允许通过的最大网段数量。TTL是IPv4包头的一个…
下载地址:http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs4-beta/download/ Release Notes for Ext JS 4 Beta 2 Release Notes: April 6, 2011 Version Number: 4.0.0beta2 New In This Release New Examples Gauge Chart example Buffered Grid example Theme example…
对于scope使用的几个小技巧: Four Tips for Staying on Track With Scope in ExtJS 如何在ExtJS(Javascript)里面拷贝(克隆)一个Object 对于ExtJS可以使用这段代码: /*** Clone Function* param {Object/Array} o Object or array to clone* …
Grid is empty Grid Doesn’t show images correctly Sorting issues Grids inside Tab Panels Links inside grid cells Combining Fields into One Column How to modify appearance, behavior of specific rows or columns? How to add click handlers to specific Grid ce…
{ text: "删除", iconCls: "btn-del", scope: this, handler: function() { var f this.centerPanel; var d f.getSelectionModel().getSelections(); if (d.length 0) { Ext.ux.Toast.msg("信息", "请选择要删除的记录…
2.1 Why It’s Hard to Get Support
for Research in Enterprises 2.1.1 Time and Budget Instead of answering the question “What dowe gain if we do this research?”, ask instead “What do we stand to lose if we don’t do the research?” 2.1.2 Legacy Thinkin…
Lesson 3: The Amazing New Mobile Web Article 1: This is Responsive by Brad Frost 各种响应式网站设计的资源。 Article 2: Common Mobile Problems 作者做了个问卷调查,调查设计师们在响应式网站设计(RWD,Responsive Website Design&…
原文地址:It’s Time for Digital Products to Start Empowering Us原文作者:Jesse Weaver译文出自:掘金翻译计划本文永久链接:github.com/xitu/gold-m…译者:Mirosalva校对者:xionglong58,hanx…
CF 704 D. Captain America 题目链接 题目大意:给出\(n\)个点的坐标,你要将每个点染成红色或者蓝色。染一个红色要付出\(r\)的代价,染一个蓝色要付出\(b\)的代价。有\(m\)个限制,每个限制为“第\(i\)行(或者第\(i\)列&…
Looking for a bit of creative inspiration, perhaps? Then get assistance with your app or project by reserving a 1:1 design / UX consultation. Our web and visual design experts will help you find transformative solutions. Sign up now, spots are limited!转载…
DX的Transform Engine的渲染过程 World->View->Project->Clip->Screen coordinates, 整个过程完成了将物体从世界坐标系转换为屏幕坐标系 一个更详细的过程如下: local space -> world space -> view space -> backface culling -> lightin…
原文地址:10 heuristic principles for mobile interfaces原文作者:Jordan DeVos译文出自:掘金翻译计划本文永久链接:github.com/xitu/gold-m…译者:Hyde Song校对者:portandbridge、sunui当 Jakob Nielsen…
2018年11月14日 Han Wen发布于Zilliqa博客,Rita译 我们认为,一个区块链项目如果没有社区的大力支持、努力构建和积极贡献,那么这个项目是无法成功的。这也是我们大力推广Zilliqa生态构建计划的原因,我们真诚地希望能有更多来自各方…
原文:http://www.sencha.com/blog/ext-scheduler-2-0-upgrading-to-ext-js-4/ 在上一篇文章《I introduced you to the Ext Scheduler》中,我介绍了ExtJS的Scheduler(日程)组件和资源。在Bryntum,我们正忙着将其升级到基于ExtJS 4.0的版本。…
作者:Nick Zhu - Senior Program Manager, Developer Division at Microsoft 排版:Alan Wang 大家好,欢迎来到 Visual Studio Code Java 的 5 月更新!在本月的博客中,我们有大量新功能,涵盖性能改进、用户体…
Icon font icon font 指的是用字体文件代替图片文件,来展示图标、特殊字体等元素的方法。应用场景: iconfont的优缺点 大小能够自由地变化颜色能够自由地改动加入阴影效果*IE6也能够支持支持一些CSS3对文字的效果字体文件比图片文件小非常多由于是字体&a…
SCons: A software construction tool What is SCons? SCons is an Open Source software construction tool—that is, a next-generation build tool. Think of SCons as an improved, cross-platform substitute for the classic Make utility with integrated functionali…